MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights (Album)
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights

MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights

DE 1990 LP; ZTT / WEA: ZTT 3 / 9031-71946-1 [GEMA/BIEM]
DE 1990 Cass; ZTT / WEA: ZTT 3 C / 9031-71946-4 [GEMA/BIEM]
DE 1990 CD; ZTT / WEA: 9031-71946-2 [GEMA/BIEM]
JP 1990 CD; ZTT / WEA Music: WCM5-178 [Promo with OBI]
JP 1990 CD; ZTT / WEA Music: WCM5-178 [With OBI]

4:29 The Only Rhyme That Bites
4:47 This Ain't No Fantasy
4:47 Dance Yourself To Death
3:43 Own Worst Enemy
4:36 The North At Its Heights
3:49 Tunes Splits The Atom
4:47 Mancunian Blues
5:11 The Sequel
3:06 Primary Rhyming
1:39 Dub At Its Heights

[All music by 808 State]


24th September 1990.


Written by 808 State / MC Tunes.

Press Release (German):


Künstler: MC TUNES
Album: North At It's Heights
Best.-Nr.: 9031-71946-1 / LC 4281
Produzent: 808 State
Veröffentlicht: 03.08.1990/9273p


1. The Only Rhyme That Bites 4:28
2. This Ain't No Fantasy 4:47
3. Dance Yourself To Death 4:46
4. Own Worst Enemy 3:42
5. The North At It's Height 4:36


1. Tunes Splits The Atom 3:48
2. Mancunian Blues 4:47
3. The Sequel 5:10
4. Primary Rhyming 3:06
5. Dub At It's Heights 1:39

Schon der ebenso programmatische wie selbstbewuBte Albumtitel dürfte die Alarmglöcklein der Dancefloor-Spezialisten zum Klingen bringen - und ein Songtitel wie Mancunian Blues beseitigt dann auch noch die letzten Zweifel: Mit MC TUNES und The North At It's Heights stellt sich abermals ein hochinteressantes Projekt aus der nordenglischen Danceund Gitarrenhochburg Manchester vor.

Als Produzenten fungieren 808 State, die sich im vergangenen Jahr als innovativste Formation der neuen britischen Dance-/House-Szene etablieren konnten. Ihr radikales Debütalbum Ninety, in nur 6 Tagen eingespielt, wurde auch von der hiesigen Presse begeistert aufgenommen. "Kein Mensch weiß
daB dieses Quartett aus Manchester schon jetzt einen Schlüssel dazu in Händen halt", urteilte 'Stereoplay'. Und der Hannoveraner 'Schädelspalter' rezensierte: " Ninety gehört zu den Platten, die mehrere ähnlich gelagerte musikalische Bewegungen auf ihrem Höhepunkt zusammenfUhren und dann von den Kritikern das Pradikat 'definitiv' erhalten."

The North At It's Heights beweist nun, daß 808 State nicht nur experimentierfreudige Instrumentalmusik aus dem Armel schütteln, sondern auch Rapper zwischen HipHop und House hervorragend in Szene setzen können. Der Titelsong oder The Only Rhyme That Bites seien als besonders gelungene Beispiele für die aufregende Fusion von scharfen Vocal-Attacken, schierer Rhyhmuskraft und auflockernden (Keyboard-)Effekten genannt. Ein weiteres Glanzlicht des Albums ist Own Worst Enemy, das beklemmend und eindringlich den ausweglosen Alltag eines Drogenopfers dokumentiert.


808 State/MC Tunes.

MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights - German LP - Credits
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights - German LP - Back
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights - German LP - Inner
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights - German LP - Lyrics
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights - German LP - Credits
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights - German LP - Side 1
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights - German LP - Side 2
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights - German Promo LP - Press Release
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights - German Promo LP - Press Release
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights - German Cassette - Front
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights - German Cassette - Inner
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights - German Cassette - Side 1
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights - German Cassette - Side 2
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights - German CD - Front
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights - German CD - Back
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights - German CD - Inner
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights - German CD - Inner
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights - German CD - Tracklisting
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights - German CD - CD
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights - Japanese CD - Back
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights - Japanese CD - Inner
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights - Japanese CD - OBI
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights - Japanese CD - CD
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights - Japanese Promo CD - Back
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights - Japanese Promo CD - CD
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights
MC Tunes - The North At Its Heights - UK Advert