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Joined: 05 Oct 2007 02:24
Location: Sweden

Post by bitley »

Wow! Thanks a lot, imagine if 1000 guys would do that, that'd keep me going for sure. I'm raising my glass of the last Laphroig drops and saying Cheers! From Stockholm! :)
808state's Tartan Army
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Joined: 02 Apr 2002 01:00
Location: Peebles, Scotland

Post by 808state's Tartan Army »

You're welcome. :D

Ice Lander is great, by the way.
Posts: 17
Joined: 05 Oct 2007 02:24
Location: Sweden

Post by bitley »

Oh, those memories. I made it at my ex girlfriend's summer house, but late in the winter, out on the countryside. Her father was re-decorating and building a new room. The room was just built with chipboard walls and a heater machine (like the ones one can use in cars, a fan pumping out heat basically) stood there doing its job. Sawdust on the floor and a big temporary table covered with more particle boards. I placed my iBook on it and connected my DT770 headphones and made the track with an inhouse beta version of Reason 2 I had from being a Propellerhead employee. I sampled my own voice and entered all the instruments with the computer mouse & keyboard. A cozy creative night.

The Endlessness record is made in the way that I made the first song, exported all tracks and sent them to Marcus, he made song 2 from elements of the first one added with new elements; he exported that and I made track 3 from that & new things, and so on.

Marcus Fjellström is on Lampse records, he's making very complex acoustic-electric music in some kind of mixed feel between Stockhausen, Arvo Pärt and Autechre.

And now, I'm opening the 35 cl Glennfiddich bottle, celebrating that I have two job interviews coming up; the first one being a real dream position as a copywriter. I've been without a job since May. Sux! : )
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Post by markus »

Good luck with the interviews!
Posts: 17
Joined: 05 Oct 2007 02:24
Location: Sweden

Post by bitley »

Thanks, a follow up interview tomorrow. Fingers crossed! :-?

Anyway, anyway... I got in contact with a guy looking for a Juno 60, he's remixing the ancient Guru Josh hit. He eventually got a hold of the J60 and recreated the arpeggio pretty nicely. I tried doing it with Thor (R4) but didn't succeed. Anyhow, I'll probably finish that track since it turned out pretty kewl anyway; planned to name it Juru Gosh.

Currently I'm rebuilding my home studio a bit though, and the creativity always gets to suffer in times like these. I plan to add some USB midi to my SY85 which makes a neat controller.
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