Outpost makes a Transition on HMV's UK Website

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Outpost makes a Transition on HMV's UK Website

Post by Ancodia »

Well, HMV are finally showing a listing for Outpost Transmission on their website and apart from giving the name as Outpost Transition. They also show a release date of the eleventh, which of course anyone listening to Radio Six will have heard is now more likely to be the eighteenth!

http://www.hmv.co.uk/servlet/HMVApp/Pro ... urce=&sv=1

C Ya,

Post by Souflex »

I can't beliee how many times 808 go to release something it gets postponed. Can someone try to shed some light for me and explain how it is possible to have 808state face a delay after delay. Is it a legal thing?

listened to the show last night and have to admit I liked it what I heard. Also I learnt that they when playing live they opt for a bit more of a rock approach, this made me breath a sigh of relief as I did not really enjoy (except crossword - long orange - pacific) seeing them play live in london just lately, I thought the club was a very small shit hole (their website flatters the place) stuck somewhere in the middle of New Dehli and 808 were playing a cross between Status Quo and them usual selves. Anyway just my "not in the know opinion" :P
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Post by Vadertech »

Maybe ill reconsider my passion to see 808 live. For some reason Rock just doesn't click with me...
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