nickking wrote:Loved Pete's shout out on Radio 1 too!
Pete's shout out? Can it be listened to again, or has someone recorded it?
Oh, it's 08:08:08 GMT on 08/08/08
It's Radio 1, Chris Moyles Breakfast Show, so presumably...
It wasn't really a shout-out, it was just a competition asking listeners to name the connection between Pacific (which they played) and today's date...
At 08:08:08 on 08/08/08, they then played Pacific...
(Pete didn't get a mention by name, Moyles just said "a competition for all you geeks!" - i.e. Pete! )
At 8.08pm, I have a JD and coke in hand and raise a toast to salute 20 years of the State, the great Markus Arnold who has brought the 808 community together, the genius of Nick King who knows all there is to know about the meaning of life and all things 808, and to all the staters out there who are inspired to follow the journey which is 808state.
nickking wrote:
I will do if my e-ticket arrives from WarpMart!
I'm going tonight and according to Warpmart they have your name and the number of tickets ordered on a database and to let you in you only need to say who you are...a bit flimsy I know but still (I hope you get this message aha, only 2 hours till doors and I'm heading off in a few minutes).