Outpost Transmission

Discuss 808 State and related.

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Post by Mark »

Anyone have any more news on the new album yet? It seems to have gone a little quiet, and it is now the 1st of May which mean we must be getting close!

Are we still on for a May release or has that slipped?

Markus? Graham? Info please!!!
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Post by SteveC »

I got my copy today Mark.......its BANGIN.

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Post by markus »

Official statement to follow tomorrow, but yes, it has slipped.
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Post by McBain »

Well.. it's tomorrow.

Come on then Markus, give us the bad news ..

Lets hope we aren't heading for a Optibuk-style debacle.
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Post by markus »

Steady now McBain, have patience and it will happen eventually (a bit like Newcastle winning something). The news is there now. We've waited 6 years for a new studio album, so what is another 4 months? I'm gutted too though, of course. If it's any consolidation, I've had a pre-listen, and it's worth waiting for :wink:

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: markus on 2002-05-03 04:42 ]</font>
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Post by PatFromCanada »

I can't believe it! It's been 6 years already since Don Solaris? 1996 was a grand year indeed.

Oh well, I picked up Transambient on Moonshine Dvd to kind of tie me over... the vids are really retro. I gotta get a nibble of 808 if that's all I can git' for now.

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Post by dmp »

Is it me, or are 808 the most unlucky band in the entire world when it comes to releases of their stuff and cancellation of live dates etc. etc. etc. I thought that all ended when they split with ZTT! :sad:
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Post by JD »

I am pretty pissed off. Was looking forward to a summer of 808. Relaxing in the back garden with a bottle of JD playing it full blast thru the living room window, annoying f*** out of my S-Club 7 loving neighbours. That would have got them back for cutting their grass at 8am last Sunday morning.

Me? Neighbour from hell? Too right man.
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Post by Mark »

Am I missing something? Where is the news?

I take it by Markus's comments that the album release has slipped another 4 months???

Can we realistically expect it before 2003? First the Optibuk shambles and now another delay.

I know its been six years, but c'mon!

Steve, can I have a copy of yours???

Very frustrating.
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Post by SteveC »

All I can say is sorry 808.

Legal issues, licensing issues and commercial issues have taken over our lives.

Its all Beaurocratic Bollocks and we the consumer are the ones who have to pay so that these high and mighty companies can word there contracts in such a way, that it takes a year to release their products so they don't lose out financially.

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Post by Pob »

It's always the same with 808's releases of late. It was a task and a half to get Invader (still haven't, sob!) Now we have to wait 4 months for Outpost Transmission. Aaargh!

Not blaming 808 like. It's amazing all the red tape that there is just to get some tunes out. Well, we're stuck with it. I just need some beer to cry into.

Good job 'Super Generous' Markus gave me a copy of Obtibuk. Looks like State To State 2 will have to go through a few more plays.

BTW. I've made a cut down verson of the Obtibuk sleeve if anyone wants to move State To State 2 to a CD case.
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Post by Pob »


My p's have fallen over and turned into b's. I obviously meant Optibuk.
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Post by PatFromCanada »

All I can say is this lads...

It's all be worth the wait. Trust me, I have been working on the same F***ing Nintendo Game for the past 4 years. You should hear the threats we git'. But you know what? The game is soooo fu*king awesome now that we will 'Slay their minds on it'!!!

Could you imagine the magic 808's got up thier sleeves??? What 808's gonna do???

Aww Fu*K IT! I take all that back! RELEASE IIIIIIITTTTTTT!!!!!!!!! ( sob' )

Poopy Pat.
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Post by dmp »

Who is responsible for all this legal shit? Why don't 808 sign with someone like Warp, a truly independent label who don't f**k about. Also, RE- Neighbours playing S-Club 7. I also have a problem with neighbours playing crap music, and would recommend the First track off LFO's "Advance" album. (that's LFO the Warp techno people - not that naff American boy band). Turned up to 11, the Low Frequency and booming bass at the end will bin them in.
Rich The Donkey Doctor
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Post by Rich The Donkey Doctor »

Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries. I have had enough of these silly games...FETCHEZ LA VACHE!

Monty Python - Holy Grail.
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