Crossword sounds great when cranked to the max in my car. YoYo comes in a close second. Crossword is too short though, if it was nearer 4 mins long it would be better.
i voted for wheatstraw. yeah. but that's this week's pick. (in agreement with the bliss bit )
but the bonus track on the japanese version is swingin. came in second.
*happy that the U.S. version is so unique, waits patiently*
Dang. Poll closed and everything. This is what I get for joining this forum a year after everyone else did. Ah well. I go for Lemonsoul. I'm not sure it's my favorite but nobody voted for it and it's a wonderful little tune.
Responding to A Gillian S, yes indeed I'm from Chicago, but no I have never seen 808 perform live. Their last tour, I believe, was about the time I found out the existed ('98?). Someday...
After listening to this album for a year -- I've put it on my computer, a device that I listen to music more than any other -- I voted for Souflex. I like how the song evolves from feeling pastoral to becoming sinister.