I saw markus had joined my site, and noted this site was his homepage, so here I am to check it out, looks good btw.

So, my first post is to just ask for information, which could benefit many, certainly those who were/are fans of M.V.I.T.A.
I'm after their EP, either on vinyl, or mp3/CD-R/Any format other than tape.
I've made a post on my forum regarding them which you can read here:
Since I found out about this site, I've done some reading last night in work, and have gathered some more information:
Posted by nickking back in may 2002, from the music mag 'Soul Underground' November 1989.Another 12" planned for Cut Deep is by MVITA (Manchester Vibe In The Year) namely DJs The Madhatter and Dr Lamont and featuring the toasting and rapping skills of Fonzo Butler.
All excited by this, I hoped over to discogs to see if Cut Deep existed as a label, and it does, but they've only got 3 releases on there, by 'Biting Tongues' which is also mentioned in the thread on here, and goes on to mention Cut Deep was a label in Stockport.
And later in the thread, "Cut Deep were based in an Office above Strawberry Studios" - according to Graham (Massey)
So if any of you have a copy of this, please get in touch, either by PM or send an e-mail to bj@mongedup.com