From the Ninja Tunes website at (where you can incidently also listen to "A Casa" streaming at the moment):
"No Place Like Home
We are going all digital on your ass and releasing the Homelife single exclusively as a 'digital download single'. 'A Casa' and 'Heaven Knows' will be available from the 16th August on bundled with the 'A Casa' video to put straight on your hard drive. Taken from the forthcoming album 'Guru Man Hubcap Lady' released on the 31st August, Homelife bring us stunning tunage blending classical training, folk, eastern melodies, latin rhythms and just about anything else you could think of into a suprisingly accessible pop whole. Find it here on the 16th August. "
Playlouder are at
Homelife - digital download single from
Moderators: Ancodia, Pob, markus, nickking
I'm moving this to the Music forum. From now on Homelife info can be found on the Toolshedsite. I figure it fits best there.