M.V.I.T.A (Manchester Vibes In The Area)

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blue jammer
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M.V.I.T.A (Manchester Vibes In The Area)

Post by blue jammer »

Hi, new here.

I saw markus had joined my site, and noted this site was his homepage, so here I am to check it out, looks good btw. :D

So, my first post is to just ask for information, which could benefit many, certainly those who were/are fans of M.V.I.T.A.

I'm after their EP, either on vinyl, or mp3/CD-R/Any format other than tape.

I've made a post on my forum regarding them which you can read here:

Since I found out about this site, I've done some reading last night in work, and have gathered some more information:
Another 12" planned for Cut Deep is by MVITA (Manchester Vibe In The Year) namely DJs The Madhatter and Dr Lamont and featuring the toasting and rapping skills of Fonzo Butler.
Posted by nickking back in may 2002, from the music mag 'Soul Underground' November 1989.

All excited by this, I hoped over to discogs to see if Cut Deep existed as a label, and it does, but they've only got 3 releases on there, by 'Biting Tongues' which is also mentioned in the thread on here, and goes on to mention Cut Deep was a label in Stockport.

And later in the thread, "Cut Deep were based in an Office above Strawberry Studios" - according to Graham (Massey)

So if any of you have a copy of this, please get in touch, either by PM or send an e-mail to bj@mongedup.com

Thanks :D
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Post by nickking »

A question for Graham (Cut Deep 12"), me thinks, to see if it ever got released?

Anyway, here's a quick & dirty Cut Deep discography, I've just compiled from the web (!):


Dub Sex - The Underneath

7": 1988 UK (Cut Deep; CUT 7001)
The Underneath

12": 1988 UK (Cut Deep; CUT 12001)
The Underneath
Every Secret (That I Ever Made)
Caved In
Instead Of Flowers


Dub Sex - Swerve

7": 1989 UK (Cut Deep; CUT 7003)

12": 1988 UK (Cut Deep; CUT 12003)


Biting Tongues - Love Out

12": 1989 UK (Cut Deep; CUT 12004)
3:56 Love Out (edit mix)
7:12 Love Out (brainwash mix instrumental)
6:23 Surrender (mellow mix)
8:08 Surrender

CD5: 1988 FR (Cut Deep; CUT CD004)
3:56 Love Out (edit mix)
7:12 Love Out (brainwash mix instrumental)
6:23 Surrender (mellow mix)
8:08 Surrender


Dub Sex - Splintered Faith

LP: 1989 UK (Cut Deep; LPCUT1) [15/8/89]


Biting Tongues - Recharge (Part 1)

LP: 1989 UK (Cut Deep; CUT06) [W/L Promo-only LP]
Double Gold St Paul
One Angel


So, there a couple of gaps in there (i.e. CUT 12002, etc), but Cut Deep went bust before they could release the Biting Tongues' "Recharge" album in 1989, so it may have never come out?

As for 808 DJ SunsetFM Shows, I've found a source who has pretty much all of them on CD-R (he's currently got 12 for sale, with a further 38 on the way!)...

...However, they cost money (about a fiver each), so I started off with two of the shows - 8th March 1990 (essentially the Top 40 Eastern Bloc chart, and just Daz, Kate & Lee - Andy wasn't around) and 29th March 1990 (features both MC Tunes and Eric - love their take on Together's "Hardcore Uproar" :P ) - they seem to be good quality, and bring back memories of the tunes of that era!

Will keep my ears out for any MVITA stuff, though - that show sounds fantastic (listened to it yesterday, as well as the "Short Film About Chilling" video). Oh, and also bring on that Madchester video as well - been wanting to see this for ages. :D


Nick ;)
Last edited by nickking on 11 Apr 2004 13:22, edited 6 times in total.
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Post by nickking »

Oh, forgot to mention, Livewire sometimes posts on this forum, although he hasn't for a while - where are you, Live? :D

Also, whilst searchin through this very site, I found this post back in 2000:

"MVITA still in the area

12th Anniversary party...Dublin,Ireland, Eamons Durans Nightclub ...3a Crown Alley Temple Bar ....The very best in Underground UK house and garage...with resident DJ Darren Green...resident MC ALFONSO,...Also featuring MYGC ( Mvita Young Generation Crew) with DJ BUCKY & MC B"


Nick ;)
blue jammer
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Post by blue jammer »

Thanks for that Nick, yeah I noticed Livewire's name on the board whilst I was looking last night! what a funny guy he was heh :)

I was gutted a couple of years back as walking through Manchester with my housemate on a record buying mission, we cut through Tib Street (past where the Soundgarden used to be, ahhh memories) and on the floor I saw a flyer, all wet with the rain, picked it up, and it was for "M.V.I.T.A 10th Anniversary" and it'd already been and gone, it had the Pyramid Sun design on it, I could have wept that I'd missed a chance to see them play again, only ever seen them once, live in Blackburn when they were backing K-Klass at King Georges Hall...

I'll be encoding that Madchester video soon, will post an update when it's online.

I've PM'd both Andy and Graham (hope they don't mind me mithering them!) couldn't see if Darren was registered on the board ?!

blue jammer
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Post by blue jammer »

Oh Nick before I forget, the source for the Sunset CD-R's wouldn't be a seller on eBay called "spookrecords" would it? I've bought 4 CD-R's of Hacienda sets from him, over a week and not heard anything as yet, maybe it takes him a while to copy them off again heh (slow CD burner?)

Let me know if it's not him, perhaps by PM, and If you've started at the early side of the shows, perhaps I could start at the other end and work back! Might be a way of cutting costs ;)
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Post by nickking »

Hi, It's not him, it's someone else - just going to send you a PM now! :D


Nick ;)
blue jammer
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Post by blue jammer »


I noted Graham had read his PM, but didn't reply, just wondering if Andy still reads the board, and does anyone know if Darren is reg'd here, or an e-mither address for him?

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Post by markus »

Please respect the artists' privacy by not sending them personal messages - if everyone would do it, well you know what would happen then. Best is just to post a message on the forum. Graham reads it regularly, Andy not too often and Darren never as far as I know. :wink:
Thanks a million for uploading those wicked old-skool radio shows on your site - they are fantastic once again! :) :) :)
blue jammer
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Post by blue jammer »


Andy, Graham, Darren any news on this?

MVITA now have a forum lol (hardly anyone posts though)

Posts: 4052
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Post by markus »

blue jammer wrote:*BUMP*

Andy, Graham, Darren any news on this?

MVITA now have a forum lol (hardly anyone posts though)

So I find out now that MVITA played a gig in Amsterdam in 2005? :(
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