808 State Single Review: The Extended Pleasures Of Dance EP 808 State: The Extended Pleasures Of Dance EP

Single Review

808 State Single Review: The Extended Pleasures Of Dance EP Record Mirror
24th March 1990
Page: 44

'The Extended Pleasure Of Dance'

A three track EP featuring 'Cobra Bora', 'Ancodia' and 'Cubik'. Perhaps a little more conventional than 'Pacific' and definitely not so tuneful or atmospheric but good stuff nevertheless. 808 State continue to pioneer with production methods and let's hope they continue to see chart action. The rundown is: 'Cobra Bora', uptempo and techno based with an almost hip hop beat; 'Ancodia', slower and more soul based including vocal samples from 'You Used To Hold Me' and even scratching; 'Cubik', haunting, wild and weird and more in the hard house vein.

[Reviewer: NC]

808 State Single Review: The Extended Pleasures Of Dance EP Record Mirror
3rd March 1990
Page: 14

808 STATE 'Ancodia'

Is the world ready for some more of this instrumental jazz house malarkey? I do hope so, because this is a deeply joyous experience. 'Pacific', in all its forms, was perfect to within the length of a bay leaf. 'Ancodia' is less ethereal, but has the same expansive sound, this time moving from the sea shore inland to a more urban landscape. Spyrogyra live!


808 State Single Review: The Extended Pleasures Of Dance EP Record Mirror
3rd February 1990
Page: 37

808 STATE 'Ancodia/Cobra Bora'
(ZTT SAM635)

In a period where dance innovation is thin on the ground, 808 State continue to defy classification. 'Ancodia' takes its roots from many sources, with a driving funky beat and samples from Thelma Houston's 'You Used To Hold Me So Tight', amongst others. The flip's 'Cobra Bora' will have more 'mental' appeal. Not as immediate as 'Pacific' but this should nevertheless do big things with the support of certain style-making DJs. (JJ)

808 State's upcoming four-track 'The Extended Pleasures Of Dance' EP has been preceded on promo by just its jerkily churning 'Cobra Bora (Call The Cops Mix)' (119¾bpm) and rambling slow jittery 'Ancodia (Taters Deep Nit Funky Beat Mix)' (106¼bpm)

[Reviewer: James Hamilton]