808 State: 90 Album Review |
Q Classic March 2006 Page: 136 |
808 STATE 90 |
The Heights (Boston, USA) Volume LXXI Number 27 10th December 1990 Page: 25 Link |
808 State/90 (Tommy Boy/ ZTT) Happy Mondays and the Stone Roses may have the upper hand in the Manchester scene, but housemasters 808 State still remain as the hippest Mancunians around. Skeptics should try playing the jazzy "Pacific 202" without dancing - no easy task. [Reviewer: Rich Williams] |
The Los Angeles Times 18th November 1990 Page: 62 |
808 State's "90" (Tommy Boy) Part of Manchester's high-energy dance-rock contingent, this techno-con-scious outfit deals in such a streamlined version of post-Kraftwerk synthesizer grooves that it can easily be mistaken for a seamless, new-age band if the album is played too softly. But pump up the volume in a club or on your own system and the music - with clever world-beat samples, frequent wit and silky allure - becomes as stylish and engulfing as the best of Soul II Soul, one of last year's freshman class members. [Reviewer: Robert Hilburn] |
St Louis Post-Dispatch 17th August 1990 Page: 78 |
"UTD. STATE 90" Not since the experimental heyday of Kraftwerk has an instrumental dance music album been so fully fleshed out as this. 808 State is leading a British craze for bands from Manchester that may differ in style but share a basic psychedelic bent. Like Kraftwerk, the members of this four-piece band are masters of synthesized dance music. They pepper their album with some sampled singing, but for the most part, "Utd. State 90" is driven by bubbling, gurgling synths and high-energy beats. At first, the LP might seem a bit too monotonous - as many house music albums can be - yet the band has an amazing ability to keep your attention, whether you're on the dance floor or using the record as background music. There's an innate sense of rhythm that's as winning as the cheery melodies they employ. [Reviewer: Mark Glaser] |
The New York Times 29th July 1990 Link |
808 State's "United State 90" (Tommy Boy 1033; all three formats), The clear standout among Manchester's electronic bands is the primarily instrumental 808 State. Most of its songs use the deep, piston rhythms of house music and top them with Manchester's most imaginative sonic vocabulary - not just electronic plinks and zingers, but cool pop-jazz melodies, exotic-sounding bells and flutes and layer upon layer of riffs and cross-rhythms, floating and stomping. Where the other bands dress psychedelic and play disco, 808 State combines them into an aural fantasy that can survive if it's removed from the dance floor. [Reviewer: JON PARELES] |
Billboard 30th June 1990 Page: 78 |
808 STATE Exceptionally produced instrumental set by Manchester, U.K., quartet educates Americans to a house music trend that has already enthralled club punters back home: Programmable snatches of bass'n'beats with futuristic new age and jazz intonations. Ambient "Pacific 202" has paved the way here, with its soothing sax lines. Hypnotic, body-invading "Boneyween" should be required spinning, as should be the intoxicating acid vibe "Cobra Bora." |
The Los Angeles Times 24th June 1990 Page: 62 |
808 State's "Utd. State 90" (Tommy Boy) If the Stone Roses are the most promising rockers in Manchester's high-energy, dance-rock uprising, this tech-no-conscious outfit stands as the most invigorating sample of the city's dance-crazed element. For traditionalists, think of "90" as a classy, hyperactive update of Kraftwerk, while modernists may prefer to view "90" as the album that Soul II Soul should have made after last year's silky "Keep on Movin'." [Reviewer: Robert Hilburn] |
The Sydney Morning Herald 8th May 1990 Page: 16 |
808 State: 90 (ZTT WEA 246461) State 808's refreshing Pacific turns out to be the weakest track on their splendid debut album, which approximates to acid house constructed by Joe Zawinul and Kraftwerk. I'd lay money on these Northern Englanders having studied mid-period Weather Report - the exotic rhythms and attention to detail give their tracks a head appeal missing from the average dance record. [Reviewer: LYNDEN BARBER] |
Tempo Number 2/90 February 1990 Page: 104 |
808 STATE Das Debütalbum von 808 State aus Manchester ist ein Superlativ: Keine hirnlosere, sinnentleertere und unmusikalischere Platte, kein klingender Scheißhaufen wurde in der englischen Poppresse jemals mit vergleichbarer Emphase angebetet. Besonders andächtig zeigte sich der Londoner „New Musical Express". Devot kürte er 808 State zur innovativsten Band der neuen britischen Tanzmusik. |
Billboard 21st January 1990 Page: 33 |
Let's take
a look this week at some imports
gracing our turntable as of late.
U.K. techno outfit 808 State has
signed with ZTT Records through
WEA and has unleashed a savory
long -playing morsel called "Ninety." Those who have been grooving to the
hot single "Pacific State" for the last
few months will find solace in a number
of the album's offerings. Primarily
instrumental with snippets of vocals
and /or samples thrown in, the
eight-track "Ninety" is an endearing
melange of ideas first encountered
with acid, techno, and new beat but
with a refreshing, almost new-age-type
edge. "Ancodia" is a fave sporting the chorus hook from Thelma
Houston's "You Used To Hold Me So
Tight," as are "808080808" and the
lush, somewhat serene "Sunrise." An alternative version of "Pacific
State," called "Pacific 202," is also included. Look for a 12-inch of "Pacific
State" to surface shortly on |
Blitz Issue 85 January 1990 Page: 38 |
808 State Not so 808 STATE'S Ninety (ZZT). Named after a machine, this is a group of young men who have taken the process of record production beyond the realms of the train-spotter and into a new world where sound is all. It's eons above/beyond the notion of sampling as pleasure-in-recognition or pleasure-in-hipness, and one is given few grounding 'hooks' or elements serving as grid references. Post-house, I should imagine. [Reviewer: Andy Darling] |
Record Mirror 16th December 1989 Page: 38 |
808 STATE '90' (ZTT ZTT2, via WEA) Also continuously flowing, more or less, and largely instrumental, but far more creative than the Adamski set that might be seen as its rival, this destined to be massive Manchester album has the 'Hustle' flavoured fiercely throbbing and thrashing Terry Riley-ish synth sizzled 120¼bpm 'Cobra bora', remorselessly driven twittery gurgling and thumping 0-1165⁄8-0bpm '808080808', "L-O-V-E, love" spelling juddery dated electro hip hop-type scratching 107bpm 'Ancodia' (beware the false finish then abrupt segue), glum girl muttered tinkling twittery burbling 120¼-0bpm 'Magical Dream', frantically skittering 1352⁄3-0bpm 'Donkey doctor', already familiar fast though still atmospheric 'new age house' (0-128¼-0bpm) 'Pacific 202', and gradually unfurled atmospheric loping tinkly 0-115¼-0bpm 'Sunrise' (a sort of second class 'Pacific State'). [Reviewer: James Hamilton] |
Record Mirror 9th December 1989 Page: 16 |
808 STATE '90' ZTT Why? This isn't pop music. A top 10 hit that owes more to electro-jazz types like Herbie Hancock and Pat Methany than to Big Fun and New Kids On The Block is a rare thing. But the young Mancunian musos have tapped a rich vein just before it rises to the surface and floods the airwaves. 'Pacific' - 'State', '202', '303', '707' and '909' - has collectively turned a nation on to a seriously studious groove that scuppers the lie that the lowest common denominator will reap the highest rewards. '90' is much more than much more of the same. Eight (oh eight) songs with practically no vocals, except where deemed necessary, and some of the most exciting noises to be heard on a record this side of Kraftwerk. 'Magical Dream' flicks the 'On' switch and is the nearest the album comes to a pop song. From there on in, '90' is a dream-state of skidding acid rhythms punctuated by sparklingly inspired melodies. 'Ancodia' (touted as the next single) lulls you into a cosy slumber, soon brought to an abrupt end by the relentless electro-tirade of 'Cobra Bora', introduced by a bit of Van McCoy's Seventies disco anthem 'The Hustle'. 'Pacific 202' (everyone's favourite mix) flows swiftly in the stream of things, but is kicked to bits by the aggressive 'Donkey Doctor'. '808080808', 'Sunrise' and 'The Fat Shadow' all live a life of their own and contribute to '90"s breathtaking sweep. This is a record that communicates in all tongues and goes out of its way not to insult your intelligence. A remarkably mature performance from ones so young. At the risk of being called a boring old muso fart, I'll give it (4.8080808 out of 5) [Reviewer: Tim Nicholson] |
Sounds 9th December 1989 Page: ?? |
808 STATE A SOUNDTRACK for the dispossessed, Add House is symptomatic of a generation united in defeat. Of course youth culture isn't the same any more, it can't afford to be. Our institutions closed, unions crushed, there's no forum left but the dancefloor and like fools we embrace it. It's positive, we say. Like f***. Minds garbled with E can't see that we're celebrating an avoidance of real life, wallowing instead in a shallow vision of a nation united by baggy jeans and Kicker boots, marching on Downing Street for the repeal of not the Poll Tax but the licensing laws. Whitehall, so much to answer for.. . 808 State, unintentionally, match the sound to this urban blight. After The Stone Roses' discovery of pukka Sly Stone guitar chords, 808 State's elec-trip jazz-funk teeters perilously close to the indulgent mind rock of Camel or Pierre Moerlen. At times it works, a dense metallic clatter that pulls the best from its machinery. Elsewhere, these avant-noise doodles spiral into abstraction, nailed down by frantic drum patterns that take matters away from the dancefloor and into the ambient zone. 'Magical Dream' and 'Pacific 202' are a sublime fusion of these elements, but the quasi-mystic 'Cobra Bora' reeks of incense and hippy crash pads. As legend would have it, a well-known chanteuse once spent an inordinate amount of time staring at her hotel wallpaper, claiming to see swastikas hidden in the design. The wall was blank. If we allow the current trend for introspection to run its logical course, we'll be in a similar situation ourselves - arms flailing, heads up our own arses, fighting for our right to party as the last of our civil liberties float skywards. 'Ninety' isn't responsible for these evils, but it's bound to be latched onto by casualties of the New Complacency who don't seem to realise that sometimes hedonism can be a vote in the wrong direction. 808 State deserve better than this, but they have to get the hell out of the route they seem to be plotting to prove it. [Reviewer: DAMON WISE] |
Melody Maker 9th December 1989 Page: 34 |
PLAY 808 STATE 808:90 ZTT 808 STATE'S music has already been described in these pages as "profoundly superficial". If Sterling Void offered one suitable name for the hollow perfection of House, then 808 State invite another. Their sound is surface deep, a thin film of blips, squiggles, keyboard splashes and instrumental doodles averting the ear from the cavernous hole that lies beneath the glistening exterior. This is only a problem when 808 State fail to make their all-important top layer particularly diverting. |
NME 9th December 1989 Page: ?? |
808 STATE INTERESTINGLY ENOUGH, the working title for 'Ninety' was 'F—eries', the latter being a term of endearment that the younger members of the band give to the contingent of ladies who like to provide them with tea and toast in the mornings. Interesting because it belies a crude, scruffy street attitude that the old guard of the music press simply don't understand. 'Ninety' is but the aural tip of a massive, predominantly white, (black kids were always into dancing) working class cultural up thrust that has taken place during the last year. The House-based Equity Culture is, as an underground phenomenon, far bigger and more open-minded than that motley old punk thing ever was. Most people now go to clubs not to listen to old favourites, but to be blown away by new music they have never heard before. And this is why, as entertainment value, club culture gives people a continuous stream of novel music experiences in a way that no band playing their set list (even the notion of set list shows inflexibility) can ever match at a gig. Moreover, what fires club culture, turns on ravers, varies from region to region. In Southern England people are more eclectic and willing under the guise of Balearic Beats to groove to anybody from Digital Underground and Happy Mondays to Chris Rea. In Manchester, by contrast, Techno rules everything to such an extent that the city ought to consider twinning with that other capital of the style, Detroit. It's in this context that the sounds arrayed and layered on 'Ninety' are best understood. Although recorded in six days- the only link between punk and House Of Funners is the belief that anyone can make music and do it fast and cheaply- 'Ninety' sounds as though it could have taken a year to put together such is the eye and ear for detail at work in From the opening 'Magical Dreams' to the closing 'The Fat Shadow' (named after the girth of the band's manager, Ron) everything is designed via musical repetition and ever more layers of sequencing to hypnotise the listener into a trance dance. In this, the current House Of Fun is somewhat akin in function to ritualistic music as used by tribes the world over to briefly achieve a state of altered consciousness. Of course, the structures and soundscapes that 808 State operate within have precedents. Among these are the automotive electro streamlines of Kraftwerk, Afrika Bambaata's updating of these, and Chicago's subsequent Phuturistic Acid subversion of them. Although the accent of 808 State may be on rhythmic repetition this doesn't mean that the eight tracks on this album are uniform; far from it, although nearly all are informed by the sharp and incessant edge of Techno House. 'Magical Dreams' begins with a glockenspiel motif which is quickly swamped by a grinding bassline until Fresh Vaness enters to rap-sing about "A fantasy taking over your mind... have no fears just close your eyes and disappear." But where to? 'Magical Dreams' may be the only cut here with a whole vocal but by exception to the rule it does serve to remind that House music in its instrumental form- unlike rock which via whole lyrics paints a finished picture - is very much interactive with the listener. It conjures mental images in the imagination of the dancer, images which change according to the mood of the music. As befits champions of relentless Techno, however, there is very little relaxation to be had on 'Ninety'. 808 State are built for heavy duty dancing. Nowhere is this more true than on 'Ancodia', the band's fave which has been resurrected from an earlier incarnation. The cut is very much a funky multi-percussion outing with synths spitting, the DJs scratching, and fragmented vocal samples fading in and out, a dizzying musical vertigo. 'Cobra Bora' subsequently plunges the band into overdrive with brutal discordant sheet keyboard chords being suddenly rocketed skywards on layers of (acidic) synths and breakbeats. Such is its intensity, 'Cobra Bora' is destined to become a "Mental Mental" fave on a par with 'Strings Of Life'. If it's released as a single it will be right up there with 'Pacific State' (included here in its revamped '202' guise). Even the latter has been transformed from a jazzy, almost cocktail affair into a harder state by inclusion of a new rumbling undercurrent. "Welcome To Techno City," goes the intro to 'Donkey Doctor' which kick starts Side Two of 'Ninety'. From here through '808080808' the BPMs mount and the music becomes more pugilistic and rudely intrusive with machines fatting huge chunks of layered squall. The album finally sets us down gently into the next decade with the more s-p-a-c-e-d regions of 'Sunrise' and 'The Fat Shadow' with its invocations of exotic tribal cultures. In terms of its scope, the crew's abilities to take unearthly and unlikely sounds and inventively turn them into memorable music, this album is one of the year's best. It puts the Mancs right up there with their forebears such as Kraftwerk. State of the art and one of the blueprints for the '90s. (10) [Reviewer: Jack Barron] |
The Guardian 7th December 1989 Page: 25 |
808 STATE: Ninety (ZTT 240461) As for contemporary dance styles, the band guaranteed to succeed between now and Christmas are 808 State. For a start they already have a hit single, Pacific State, and what's more they come from Manchester, the city that has deified all its critics by becoming wildly fashionable, thanks to the Stone Roses. Happy Mondays. and the rest. This is music with a function, for (preferably) stoned dancers who will appreciate the gently mesmeric clattering and tinkling synths, the textures, shifts of mood, shuffling rhythms and treated voices. Heard cold over breakfast it is far less exciting. [Reviewer: Robin Denselow] |